NC leader Bhandari and his mother sustain burn injuries in cooking cylinder explosion
February 16, 2023

NC leader Bhandari and his mother sustain burn injuries in cooking cylinder explosion

Nepali Congress (NC) leader and House of Representatives (HoR) member Dr Chandra Bhandari has sustained burn injuries after a cooking gas caught fire and exploded at his house in Kathmandu last night. Leader Bhadnari and his 86-year-old mother Harikala Bhandari were injured in the incident that took place at Buddhanagar-based home on Wednesday night.

NC general-secretary Biswo Prakash Sharma shared this information through his social media network. Sharma informed that injured leader Bhandari and his mother are being treated at Kirtipur-based Burn Hospital.

Sharma had reached the hospital last night to enquire the health condition of leader Bhandari and his mother.
Leader Bhandati was elected the HoR member from Gulmi constituency-1 in the last November 20 general election.


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