Today, the Free student union (FSU) is in a state of election excitement on campuses across the country.Student leaders are busy asking for votes by having personal meetings. In most of the campuses, five student organizations have electoral coordination.
On the one hand, a joint panel of student organizations close to the party including Nepali Congress, CPN Maoist, CPN United Socialist Party, RPP, CPN Maoist led by Biplava has been formed. On the other hand, CPN-UML-aligned All Nepal National Free Student Union (ANNFSU) is alone in the election field.
ANNFSU has claimed that five student organizations formed a front and fought the elections because it would be difficult to win the elections. Officials of the Central Committee of ANNFSU claim that even though the five student organizations have matched the electoral rhythm, they will win in most of the campuses.
Saraswati Multiple Campus located on Lekhnath Marg (Thamel) in Kathmandu is one of the campuses where FSU elections will be held on 5th Chait. 6 thousand students are studying in this campus. Due to the fact that students did not take admission in time, the number of voters is 3,453. Based on the number of students, 21 students are going to represent this campus directly and proportionally in FSU. The student organization close to UML has claimed that its victory is assured.
All the candidates of ANNFSU who stood in the FSU elections, have claimed to win by surpassing the front of five student organizations due to their initiative to solve the problems of students, emphasis on various training and extra programs, raising a strong voice for the rights of students.
It is claimed by the candidates of ANNFSU that next organizations’ leaders were seen only during the election, who have submitted their candidatures for the positions of the president and next. Santosh Kafle, the leading student of this campus, has informed that ANNFSU has entered the field of FSU election in this campus with the slogan ‘Our campaign to make quality life useful education, vote for ANFSU on Chaitra 5 for responsible leadership’.
ANNFSU claims right Candidates in all posts
Muskan Raj Gautam of Nepal Student Union has submitted his candidature for the president from the front of five student organizations in Saraswati Multiple Campus. Similarly, Rajeshbabu Bagale of Akhil Krantikari has nominated for secretary and Hark Bahadur Tamang of Aneraswawiu, close to CPN Unified Socialist, has nominated for treasurer. Likewise,Mandeep Malla, Manish Raj Basnet, Sushmita Adhikari, Dipesh Shrestha, Lal Bahadur Khatri, Kamal Sinkhada, Asmita Devkota and Bajirsinh Dholi have given candidature as members.
Based on the number of students in Saraswati campus, the leadership will be selected through a proportional process of 10 people including vice president, joint secretary and members. On the direct side, 11 people including the chairman will be elected.
Five student organizations are contesting elections in Saraswati campus by forming a front. On the other hand,ANNFSU is in election field with the determination to win alone.In this campus, Yuvraj Pangeni has nominated for the post of president on behalf of ANNFSU . Similarly, Prakash Gupta has nominated for the post of secretary and Asmita Angai for the post of treasurer from ANFSU.
Similarly, Rajesh Paudel, Ishwar Sharma, Deepen Prasain, Anisha Osti, Ujwal Tamang, Motilal Bhusal, Vivekraj Joshi and Padam Vikram Thapa have given candidature as members.
Who is Yuvraj Pangeni, the candidate for the president of FSU ?
The 26-year-old Pangeni, who is the candidate for the president of FSU, is a young boy who strives to solve the student’s rights and problems. Pangeni is known in the campus as a articulate, witty, helpful and intellectual personality. Before the election, he has already decided the way to solve the problems seen in the campus if ANFSU under his leadership wins.
For 11 years, Pangeni has been excited to come to the politics of ANFSU. Now he is also the chairman of ‘Prambhik committee’ of the said campus. He also studied various student organizations before choosing ANFSU. But he got into a squeeze where youth-centered, students’ problems take hours to solve, and only ANFSU is a group of noble students.
Pangeni says that he chose ANNFSU as the only student organization that raised its voice to fight against various distortions. From the day he started politics in Saraswati campus as the leader of ANFSU, students have not faced many problems since that day.
Pangeni has also been pressuring campus administration to conduct cultural programs, blood donation during blood shortage, welcome programs, pesticide spraying during epidemics, various activities, training, sports programs, etc.
After winning the election, what will ANNFSU do ?
Since 2065 B.S,there has been FSU election in the country. The atmosphere of the campus was not educational and academic. It is going to be a common effort of the candidates of ANNFSU to develop the campus as an educational and academic center by reaching the leadership of FSU. A private campus where 1000 students study usually has many facilities.But Pangeni, a candidate for the chairmanship, says that the lack of basic facilities in this campus, where up to 6,000 students study, is a weakness. Pangeni claims that he will give up the minimum facilities after the FSU comes under the leadership of ANFSU. Treasurer candidate Asmita Angai says that after winning the election, emphasis will be placed on age-appropriate technology-friendly education.
What are the grounds on which ANNFSU will win in Saraswati campus?
Located on Lekhnath Marg (Thamel) in the country’s capital, Kathmandu, Saraswati Multiple Campus is an old government educational institution. With the establishment of this campus, ANFSU has been raising a strong voice for student rights. Since the restoration of democracy in the country in 2046, even in the 2062-63 movement, ANNFSU have played an important role.
Similarly, ‘ANNFSU Praka’ of this campus has also played a major role in eliminating political and economic crises from various natural disasters. President candidate Pangeni says,’we are among the students, leaders of other student organizations were barely seen during the elections, we have been supporting the sorrows of our fellow students, we have identified the problems of students even during the corona and dengue outbreaks and have helped them.’
Students who are enthusiastic to cast their votes in favor of ANNFSU say that other student organizations were seen on this campus only during the FSU elections. ANFSU claims that its victory was ensured due to the weaknesses of the competing student leaders, including lack of leadership ability, lack of leadership ability, low voter inclination, blocking of fronts, extracurricular activities and failure to solve problems.
In this campus, ANFSU is in the forefront in giving honors and awards to the best students. Similarly,ANNFSU has also given special attention to the health problems of students. During the dengue outbreak, the students responded that pesticides were sprinkled on the campus from time to time and the leaders of other student organizations did not pay attention to this. Similarly, due to the cultural programs organized by ANFSU from time to time, the voters are excited to win ANNFSU.
Similarly, ANFSU has also done the work of increasing the efficiency of the students by giving them training on accounting. Not only this, the leaders affiliated to ANNFSU who are studying in this campus have reached out to the students and their families who were affected by the 2072 earthquake and supported their grief. Similarly, Pangeni-led ANNFSU of this campus has been successful in providing concessional fares to students in the means of transportation during the Corona epidemic.
Secretary candidate Prakash Gupta claims that his active role in the student movement, initiatives for administrative and educational upgradation, role played in bringing different types of faculty to the campus are the basis of his victory.
The election is going to be held in the age limit of 28 years and mixed election system. In order to conduct the election on 5th of Chait, TU passed the guidelines on FSU elections on 22nd of Magh. The president, secretary and treasurer of FSU and 50 percent of the members will be elected through the direct election system and the vice president and assistant secretary and 50 percent of the members will be elected through the proportional election system.
FSU working committee will be an 11-member working committee for two hundred students, a 13-member working committee for two hundred one to one thousand students, a 19-member working committee for one thousand one to three thousand students and a 21-member working committee for three thousand one to five thousand students. FSU elections are being held in 62 affiliated and 1,040 affiliated campuses of tertiary institutions across the country.