Bringing warmth to all children: The ‘June 1st’ Beijing trip of 40 Tibetan teenagers
June 7, 2023

Bringing warmth to all children: The ‘June 1st’ Beijing trip of 40 Tibetan teenagers

Beijing: ‘Children in the new era of China should have aspirations and dreams, love learning and labor, understand gratitude and kindness, dare to innovate and strive, and have comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor.’ Before ‘June 1st’ Children’s Daythis year, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent his best wishes to the children of China in the new era.

In the past few days, a group of Tibetan teenagers from the plateau have embarked on a journey to pursue their dreams in Beijing. Although they live at an altitude of 4500 meters, they are still ‘wind-chasing teenagers’ with extraordinary movements on the green field. Although they grew up in welfare institutions, they also love life and have colorful aspirations.

From May 30th to June 3rd, 40 children from the Yushu State Welfare Institute in Qinghai Province participated in the ‘ Three rivers source, Beijing love, China Heart – Qinghai Yushu Tibetan Youth Beijing Tour’ hosted by China News Service, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture People’s Government of Qinhai, and Beijing Aid Youth Command, organized by China News Network and co-sponsored by China News Public Welfare. During their trip of Beijing, the 40 children had a tight schedule and a rich experience, and they achieved each item on their ‘dream list’ one by one.

For example, 14-year-old Tibetan boyBin’s most unforgettable ‘Beijing memory’ occurred on the evening of June 2nd at the Beijing Workers’ Stadium. A midst the cheers of the crowd, A Bin and five other Yushu companions, known as the ‘Yushu C Ronaldo,’ appeared on the Chinese Super League field as ball boys, ‘feeling like a star when I walked out.’ Bin said.

The 40 children ranged in age from 7 to 16, including many like Bin, who were aspiring football players. Although they had no professional training, their football coach was their ‘father’ at the welfare institute. However, despite their limited conditions, many children aspired to become professional players.

On Children’s Day, the Yushu youths played a friendly match with the Beijing Guoan Youth Team. After the game, the children became good friends, chatting away due to their similar ages and interests.

Many media outlets have reported on the scene of Bin and his team of plateau children appearing on the stage of the Chinese Super League at the Beijing Workers’ Stadium, under the title ‘Plateau Children Achievedtheir Dreams in the Beijing Workers’ Stadium’. In fact, for these children, the trip to Beijing was not only a dream come true, but also a journey to build their dreams.

After playing at a professional stadium for the first time in Beijing Workers’ Stadium, Bin became more determined to become a professional football player. After watching a performance at the National Grand Theater for the Performing Arts for the first time, 7-year-old Jiuan Zhuoma had a dream of becoming a dancer when she grows up. After visiting a university campus for the first time, Danzeng Zhuoma, a fourth-grader in primary school, set a small goal of scoring 95 in her math exam next semester and becoming a math lecturer in university in the future.

‘Ethnic wind’ from the plateau

40 Tibetan children went to Beijing to trace the historical footprints of the former site of the Mongolian-Tibetan School, learn various ethnic dances at the Central National Song and Dance Troupe, attend lectures by professors at the Minzu University of China and watch the animated film ‘Xueyu Teenager’ based on the Tibetan epic of Gesar. They brought their own ‘ethnic wind’to Beijing and experienced the ‘ethnic wind’of other ethnic groups as well.

At the Experience Hall of the Chinese National Community, located on the site of the Mongolian-Tibetan School, Zangba Cicheng, who loves history the most, carefully examined the historical materials and looked for the knowledge points in the textbook. Zangba Cichengsaid, ‘Studying history is the best way to understand the country and the nation’.

During the performances by ethnic artists, 13-year-old girl Zhuomacuo identified the ethnic costumes on the stage: Uygur, Mongolian, Kazakh… She said that each ethnic musical instrument has its own characteristics, and the music played together is very powerful and beautiful. During the visit to the university, Professor Mengman from theMinzu University of China opened her lecture with topics such as Gesar, Tongtianriver, and horse racing, quickly narrowing the distance between her and the children.

‘When the lecturer said that Qinghai is beautiful and praised our hometown, I was very proud.’ Naozeng Lamu is the eldest sister among the Yushu children and also the top student in the teacher’s eyes. This Beijing trip, she was most looking forward to visiting the university.

During the communication, Mengman mentioned a poem about Qinghai, and surprisingly, young football player Bin recited the poem from Tang Dynasty poet Wang Changling’s ‘Seven Poems on Joining the Army, the fourth poem’: ‘Long clouds over Qinghai and dark snowy mountains, a lonely city gazes afar at the Jade Gate Pass…’Although he won a round of applause, Bin said that he was more interested in ‘Professor Mengman talking about the origin of our Chinese football’.

Study Tour About ‘Motherland’

‘Why do you want to come to Beijing the most?’ Before the Beijing trip began, the answers of the Yushu teenagers were different, but most of them answered: Beijing is the capital.

In just a few days, the Beijing impression of the Yushu teenagers has been transformed from ‘the capital of the great motherland’ in textbooks to a series of famous historical sites and high-rise buildings that are close at hand and present in person, and also to Beijing’s big and little friends who have accompanied them along the way, from unfamiliarity to intimacy, from initial acquaintance to trust.

Standing at the foot of the Mutianyu Great Wall, Dian Zhou Songbao, who wanted to ‘measure how long the Great Wall is with his own feet,’ was amazed, ‘the Great Wall is so magnificent.’

After visiting the Forbidden City, ZhuomaCuo, who likes to study ethnic culture, had a new idea, ‘The architecture of the Forbidden City is magnificent. There are also many ancient buildings with a long history in our hometown. I want to study the differences and relationships between these architectural styles.’

From historical and cultural ancient buildings and relics to museums and memorials with full of modern technology, these children from different age groups have been understanding and enriching their own knowledge and perception of the grand concepts of Chinese history, Chinese culture, and the Chinese nation in their own different ways over the past few days.

On the morning of ‘Children’s Day,’ the Yushu teenagers put on their ethnic costumes and red scarves and finally came to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony.At 4:47 am, when the national anthem sounded, these Tibetan children who came from 2500 kilometers away watched the national flag and sang the national anthem.

DianZhou Songbao, who wanted to take a photo with the honor guards, said that his dream was to wear a military uniform, ‘Because soldiers can protect the country and home.’Naozeng Lamao, whose birthday is on ‘Children’s Day,’ celebrated her 16th birthday on Tiananmen Square. She understood, ‘Growing up with the motherland means that no matter whether it is the present or the future of the motherland, we are together, participating and working hard together.’

Returning is also a new beginning, setting off with warmth

On June 4th, the children from Yushu began their journey home. ‘I want to study hard, go to a university in Beijing, and play football here in Beijing,’ said Bin, sharing his bigger dreams with reporter before leaving Beijing. Compared to when they first arrived in Beijing five or six days ago, he smiled more and spoke more now.

At the airport, the children bid farewell to the Beijing uncles and aunts who had taken care of them along the way. 13-year-old girl Suonan Laji asked her uncles and aunts to leave their names and phone numbers on her handbag, saying ‘Please come to see us, and welcome to my hometown .’

Before leaving Beijing, Naozeng Lamao used the word ‘warmth’ to describe her experience in Beijing. ‘We spent a happy and fulfilling time in Beijing this time, feeling the warmth of the Party and the government,’ she said.

‘Yushu Tibetan Youth Beijing Tour’ was the first activity of the China News Public Welfare’Dream Plan’. Yu Lan, the deputy editor-in-chief of China News Service and the president of China News Network, said that the ‘Beijing Tour’ was a journey of dreams for these Tibetan children fromWelfare Institute, an experience tour of the Chinese nation as a community, and also a study tour with the theme of ‘Motherland’. Through this special ‘June 1st’ event, it is hoped to pass on warmth, let the children have hope in their eyes, and dreams in their hearts. In the future, the ‘Dream Plan’ will help more children in ethnic areas to build dreams, pursue dreams, and make dreams come true, so that they will have unforgettable childhood memories and a more promising future.

After a few days, what impressed Guo Huchun, the deputy governor of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, the most was the children’s gained self-confidence. ‘These children not only came to Beijing for the first time, but many of them also left their hometowns for the first time. For them, the ‘Beijing Tour’ is an opportunity to broaden their horizons, gain knowledge, and improve their abilities. The seeds of self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-improvement that have been planted in their hearts will benefit them for a lifetime.’

Ma Chaoying, a member of the Party Committee,the deputy commander of the Beijing-Qinghai Yushu Command, and deputy secretary-general of the Yushu Prefecture government, said that through this event, he hopes that the children can feel the warmth of the Party and the government, the greatness and prosperity of the motherland, and the concern and help of the people of the country for Yushu and the Tibetan areas. He hopes that the children will be motivated to work hard and contribute to the development of their hometown and the construction of the country in the future.

Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of the Chinese nation. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, ‘We should care for and help children from disadvantaged families, especially orphans and disabled children, so that all children can feel the warmth of the Party and the government and have a happy and beautiful childhood.’ With warmth and dreams, 40 Tibetan children have set off again. (End)

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