RSP unveiles stringent criteria for appointment of ambassadors
June 24, 2024

RSP unveiles stringent criteria for appointment of ambassadors

Kathmandu: The Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) has unveiled stringent criteria for the appointment of ambassadors, emphasizing transparency and meritocracy.According to the party’s directives, candidates must uphold constitutional principles and existing laws in their diplomatic roles.

To qualify, nominees must be Nepali citizens aged at least 35 years, with an unblemished service record ensuring eligibility for future governmental positions.They must not hold permanent or temporary residence permits from any foreign nation, nor have a criminal conviction related to corruption or conflicts of interest, according to the criteria.

Additionally, prospective ambassadors must possess substantial experience in diplomatic missions or international relations, coupled with a profound understanding of Nepal’s economic interests, international trade dynamics, and development finance mechanisms.

Candidates are required to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of Nepal’s internal politics, foreign policy, national security, as well as a deep understanding of geopolitics and international relations.

The RSP has also emphasized the necessity for ambassadors to exhibit visionary leadership, adept diplomatic skills for crisis management, and proficiency in negotiation.Moreover, candidates should embody integrity, transparency, and a dedicated commitment to national service.

Preference will be given to those with a track record in renowned national or international organizations, leadership roles, significant contributions to various national sectors, and a Master’s degree in relevant fields such as economics, politics, law, or international relations.Fluency in both Nepali and English, alongside strong advocacy skills to promote Nepal’s policies and image globally, is essential.

Prospective ambassadors will undergo a rigorous interview process assessing their ability to strategize and manage crises effectively.The RSP’s criteria aim to ensure that appointed ambassadors represent the highest standards of competence, integrity, and dedication to Nepal’s interests on the global stage, it added.


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