HoR agrees to reshuffle seseveral joint and thematic committees
June 27, 2024

HoR agrees to reshuffle seseveral joint and thematic committees

Kathmandu: In a meeting today, the House of Representatives agreed to reshuffle several joint committees and thematic committees under the Federal Parliament Secretariat.

Speaker Devraj Ghimire proposed the appointment of Dr. Swarnim Wagle to replace Dol Prasad Aryal of the Rastriya Swatantra Party on the Parliamentary Hearing Committee, in accordance with Rule 25(2) of the Joint Meeting and Joint Committee Business Regulations-2080 BS.

The proposal was endorsed by the meeting.

The meeting also agreed to the following appointments:

Finance Committee: Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat from the major opposition Nepali Congress (NC)

International Relations and Tourism Committee: Lawmaker Narayan Prakash Saud

Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee: Sita Gurung of Nepali Congress and Suhang Nemwang of CPN (UML)

Industry, Commerce, Labour, and Consumer Interest Committee: NC lawmakers Ramesh Rijal and Surendra Raj Acharya

Agriculture, Cooperatives, and Natural Resources Committee: NC lawmaker Tek Bahadur Gurung

Education, Health, and Information Technology Committee: Dhanaraj Gurung, Mohan Bahadur Basnet, and Dig Bahadur Limbu

State Affairs and Good Governance Committee: Anita Devi of the Janamat Party

Additionally, Hari Dhakal of the Rastriya Swatantra Party has been moved from the Public Account Committee to the State Affairs and Good Governance Committee, and Asim Shah from the same party has been transferred from the Industry, Commerce, Labour, and Consumer Interest Committee to the Public Account Committee.Finally, Anita Devi of the Janamat Party has been nominated to the Business Advisory Committee in place of Abdul Khan.


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