kathmandu, April 27: Finance Minister Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat has directed the customs employees to work honestly and transparently. After inspecting Biratnagar Customs Office today, Finance Minister Mahat shared, “You are in sensitive service like revenue collection of the state.
No one has rights to misuse their responsibilities or carry out illegal activities. We will not excuse the trend of customs leakage. I am confident that you are making good attempts and will do better in coming days.”
The evaluation of the employees would be done on the basis of their performance, he said. The Finance Minister opined that he had expected a significant increment in the recovery of customs with the end of current fiscal year. He also asked authorities concerned not to put taxpayers in unnecessary trouble in the name of increasing revenue.
Finance Minister Mahat mentioned, “Overall, let’s work with transparency and build easy and conducive environment for service recipients. Let’s carry out work as per the rule and regulations.”