Teaching-learning achievement meagre in Karnali
May 14, 2023

Teaching-learning achievement meagre in Karnali

Jumla: The achievement of teaching-learning has been found unsatisfactory in Karnali Province. The education quality test centre under the federal Ministry of Education, Science and Technology unveiled statistics to this regard in Surkhet yesterday.

The achievements of teaching-learning in Karnali, Sudurpaschim and Madhes Provinces were found below national average. The report stated that only 13 percent students had good learning. Although curriculum was made easier, the learning achievement was poor, according to Director General at Centre, Chandra Kant Bhusal.

The study was conducted among the students of Grade 3, 5 and 8. The achievement in English, mathematics and science was declining, the report added. The study compared the achievement of 2020 with that of 2017. In 2017, 46 percent students were found to have learning achievement in Mathematics while it declined to 32 percent in 2020.

Meanwhile, Minister of Social Development in Karnali Province, Khadka Bahadur Pokhrel, informed that discussion with experts had begun to resolve the problems facing education sector in the province. The province government will prepare policy based on suggestions given by the experts, he added.


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